Wood Adhesive Glue


The high degree of water resistance.
D3 classification- joints may be subject to short-term water contact or exposure to high humidity.
Interior/exterior use.
Low timber staining characteristics – will not stain.
Creep resistant. €¢ dries clear – contains no inert fillers.
Water-based – environmentally friendly/easy clean up.
Suitable for the radiofrequency cure.
Areas for use
As a weatherproof/creep resistant wood adhesive, internally and externally.
Not suitable for continuous immersion.
Ensure wood doesn’t contain excessive moisture (<15%)><15%)
<15%)>< >do not use at temperatures below 10o c. Note: drying time is extended at low temperatures. Clean excess adhesive off glue line after clamping before adhesive dries with a damp cloth.Sand off any excess adhesive before staining the wood. Ensure sufficient clamping pressure, especially important with radiofrequency bonding. Use on laminates: only suitable for bonding small porous laminate strips. Do not use on nonporous or large areas of laminate. Use contact adhesive. Exterior use: all glue joints must be protected with an impervious paint system when dry.Surface preparation
All surfaces must be clean, dry, and free from grease. Application
Apply adhesive thinly to both surfaces. Do not over-apply as this will slow down the cure. Clamp surfaces together until adhesive dries. (off in 1-2 hours: full strength 8 hours). Support until fully cured (8 hours at 20â°c). When fitting dowels, the adhesive should be applied to the holes. suitable for radio-frequency curing.
Specific data
Total solids (%) 47-50%
Viscosity 23
Brookfield rtv 5/20 7000-15000cps
Ph 2.0-4.0
High-temperature stability (4 week @ 50c) stable
Specific gravity 1.0-1.2 (dispersion)
Product en204 d3/3 bsen 14256 everbuild a/p wood adhesive ave 2.17 n/mm 19.2 days specification 2.0 n/mm 14 days

  • Everbuild all-purpose weatherproof wood adhesive is a medium viscosity, resin-based polymer emulsion which exceeds the water-resistance requirements of bs en204 d3.
  • The product is also suitable for load-bearing work as it conforms fully to the bs 14256 sustained load requirements.
  • Excellent rate of bond strength development.


  • Everbuild all-purpose weatherproof wood adhesive is a medium viscosity, resin-based polymer emulsion which exceeds the water-resistance requirements of bs en204 d3.
  • The product is also suitable for load-bearing work as it conforms fully to the bs 14256 sustained load requirements.
  • Excellent rate of bond strength development.
Additional information

1 LTR, 5 LTR, 75 ML


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