Wallpaper Paste All Purpose


Uses: bond it wallpapers adhesive, when mixed with water, provides an all-purpose paste suitable for hanging all common wallcoverings including lining paper, blown, sculptured, woodchip, textured vinyl, washable and heavy embossed. it can also be used for fixing polystyrene tiles and as a primer for new plaster walls. bond it wallpaper adhesive has a durable, extra strong formula for long-lasting results. it has fast mix properties for quick and easy preparation. preparation: surfaces should be clean, dry, and dust-free. porous surfaces should be sized/primed using diluted paste and allowed to dry prior to application of wallpaper. mixing/application: the mixing ratio of the flakes is dependent on the type of wallpaper covering to be hung. pour contents of 1 sachet into the recommended amount of cold, clean water. stir quickly until the solution begins to thicken and there are no lumps present, approximately 30 seconds. leave for 2-3 minutes then stir again thoroughly. leave for another 15 minutes. before use, stir thoroughly again. prepared adhesive can be stored for up to 3 days in an airtight container and re-used, stir well before application. pasting: follow the wallpaper manufacturer’s instructions when hanging. keep the front surface of wallpaper free from paste, removing the excess with a damp sponge. shelf life:8 years from the date of manufacture in original, unopened containers.

  • High initial tack.
  • Extra smooth formula.
  • No lumps.
  • Easy slip and movability.


  • High initial tack.
  • Extra smooth formula.
  • No lumps.
  • Easy slip and movability.
Additional information
Wallpaper Adhesive Size

5 Rolls, 10 Rolls, 30 Rolls


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