Febmix Dh Mortar Powder Sachet


Febmix dh also improves frost resistance in both freshly laid and hardened mortars, as the microscopic air bubbles entrained provide space for expansion of water due to freezing. For use as an admixture for mortars to improve workability, in both bricklaying and rendering applications. Features include reduced labor costs, reduced wastage, increased spread rates, and helps reduce efflorescence. Reduces bleed and segregation in the mix. Reduces shrinkage. Febmix dh may be added directly into the mixing drum after the addition of sand or pre-mixed with the gauging water. The use of febmix dh pre-weighed sachets introduced directly to the mix optimizes control of dosage and minimizes wastage. Mixing the action of febmix dh is entirely physical and therefore requires an efficient mixing action. If mixing is to take place by hand the mix must be well “turned over” to achieve the maximum plasticizing effect.

  • Febmix dh is a mortar plasticizer in powder form for use as an alternative to lime or as a supplement to lime to aid mortar durability.
  • Complies with en934/3.
  • Febmix dh will entrain microscopic air bubbles into cement mortars in a controlled manner as specified in en934.
  • Air entrained mixes produce greatly enhanced working properties with a reduced demand for mixing water.


  • Febmix dh is a mortar plasticizer in powder form for use as an alternative to lime or as a supplement to lime to aid mortar durability.
  • Complies with en934/3.
  • Febmix dh will entrain microscopic air bubbles into cement mortars in a controlled manner as specified in en934.
  • Air entrained mixes produce greatly enhanced working properties with a reduced demand for mixing water.
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1, 5, 10, 20



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